The Inspired Business Podcast

5 | How to Integrate Business and Family || Why I Can Be an Entrepreneur and Homeschool My Child at the Same Time

Becky Kopitzke

Do you feel like you need to choose between running a family and running a business? It is possible to build your business around your top priorities of family and faith. In this episode we’ll talk about what it looks like to build a work-from-home business that enables you to spend your time on the things that matter most to your heart.


  • The transition from stay-at-home mom to full-time business owner
  • Why I can homeschool and still run a business
  • Pursuing your passion as a business and not just a hobby enables you to build a life you love
  • Not everybody is built for entrepreneurship
  • Talk to God about next steps for your own business and family goals

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Profitable Digital Products Method

Free masterclass on digital products

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Plus watch our FREE masterclass: How to Create and Sell Digital Products Without Feeling Stupid, Salesy, or Sacrilegious